First version of the landing page is now published. It might not be ultimately great yet, but I can iteratively improve on this as more data and ideas become available.
Now is the time to get some visitors to the landing page, so I can evaluate various psychological messages on different countries and learn more about Facebook advertising and related cost-optimization.
I created small Facebook ad campaigns for this purpose. These campaigs are initially targeted to English-speaking people living in Greece, Portugal and Spain. My hunch is that people in those countries might be more receptive to this message as financial crisis is hitting them the hardest.
Depending on the campaign the click-through-rate seems to vary between 0.020% and 0.050%. This is not too bad, but is not very good either. Average cost per click is 0.14 EUR.
The conversion rate in the landing page itself seems to be about 4%. I think this will improve if we make actual graphic design effort. Might not bother to do this at all.
Interestingly, over 80 % of people who have given their email are coming from Greece. This could be an artefact of my facebook bid policy limiting visibility mostly to low-cost clicks.
Update from early August: Greece, Spain and Slovakia have good conversion. Portugal and Italy have somewhat OK conversion. France, UK, Germany and Hungary have very bad conversion. USA and Canada are way too expensive in Facebook to bother with right now. Interesting results 🙂